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I.A.M. Partnership 

Become a Partner with us TODAY!!!

Impact Apostolic Ministries would like to thank you for Partnering with us for the advancement of the Kingdom. We have found that when we become partners we are helping one another with vision, etc. We  have found the key principle to loosing the Spirit of poverty to build, to restore, to loose the chains of bondage off of the people of God. We give ALL glory to our Father which is in  Heaven and His son Christ Jesus. Without Christ we would not even be here. We been in ministry for many years and in this time we have learned a lot about ministry, people, self and so forth. It's all about walking by the word of God and walking by Luke 6:30, James 2:17, Deuteronomy 8:18. These are some of the principle scriptures of prosperity and faith. 


Your commitment to us as a Partner:

  • Pray for the ministry 

  • Support the yearly conventions/conferences

  • Support with a monthly financial commitment

  • Always speak positive with the word of God and keep the faith for the ministry.


 What are the benefits of becoming a Covenant Partner:

  • Prayer daily for you, your family & ministry(s)

  • Quarterly newsletters from I.A.M.

  • Partnership Certificate

  • 50% off of all I.A.M. events

  • Great stewardship over the finances

  • Complimentary anointing oil

  • 15% off of all products of I.A.M.

  • Complimentary Teaching CD

















Just remember you are sowing into the vision, the anointing, truth and the favor of God with a great harvest.


Monthly Partnership contribution amounts:  

$25.00__  $50.00__  $100.00__  $200.00__  $500.00__ $1000.00 __     Other: $______


If you would like to become a ministry partner with the Ministry please click below. 

Please Click the donation button of different amount for whatever reason you are sowing a seed:


Partnership Contribution:

Forgiveness Seed-$25.00


Seed of Purpose-$50.00

Family Seed-$100.00


Sacrificial Seed-$200.00


Supernatural Favor Seed-$500.00


Overflow Seed (No more lack)-$1,000.00 


Other Amount: (Whatever God lays on your heart) _____________________________________


If you would like to mail your partnership application/seed than please seed it to:  

Apostle Mary Baker-McMiller or Prophet Kendrick J. McMiller

P.O. Box 5833

Tallahassee, FL 32314-5833


If you would like to pay through PayPal by clicking below: (See below for those that say i want to sow, but our finances is not as much, but i want to give something). You can give a donation for anywhere from $1.00 to $20.00 and receive a gift from us I.A.M. of a bottle of Spiritual warfare oil or a spiritual warfare Clothe. 


Click below to sow your seeds!!!!


1. Supernatural Favor- 1000 People sow $1.00


2. Miracles- 27 People sow $5.00


3. Favor- 42 People sow $7.00


4. Showers of Blessings- 100 People sow $10.00


5. Financial Breakthrough- 400 People sow $12.00


6. Family Saved- 3000 People sow $15.00


7. Leadership (Heart to Heart)- 740 People sow $20.00


8. Special Partnership seed- This is for all that have been asking about partnering with I.A.M. (Impact Apostolic Ministries). This first 100 people that sows their personal seeds of $25.00 will receive 1 .5oz Supernatural Favor anointing oil and also a free Book and newsletter and free shipping and discounts on all of our events of 15%off. For more information contact us on sowing your sacrificial seed at or call (850) 692-3471. NO THIS IS NOT A GIMMICK but this is for a financial breakthrough for you and a breakthrough period!! Do this today! Also submit the prayer requests with it and we will respond, many have already received their prayer requests answered! This is also not about money but Favor is needed! 



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