Apostle Dr. Mary L. McMiller
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Mary L. Baker-McMiller was born in Ohio to Mother Barbara Johnson & Brother Thomas young. Apostle is married to prophet Kendrick J. McMiller and together they have 5 children that they love dearly. She along with her husband is the Sr. Pastor of Truth & Restoration Global Ministries, Inc. located in Tallahassee, Florida and covers the following ministries which are located in different locations. Apostle Mary L. Baker-McMiller is a proven servant to God since “1997” in ministry. She first joined Pastor Prophet John Gardener and 1st Lady Janice Gardener located in Tallahassee FL then later on she joined Pastor Rosa Washington located in Tallahassee, Fl where she served faithfully and she was in the choir and because President over the Adult and youth choirs. Later she was pushed and trained in the area of ministry under Bishop Willie Mathis and Elect Lady Pearl Mathis where she was under watch care. She proved to be a faithful servant to her leaders. She preached her first sermon on (How can a wise woman build a foundation through Jesus Christ- Proverbs 14:1). She is also a woman that has over-came many adversities in her life such as rape, persecution by leaders, family, friends and so on, molestation, adultery, fornication, abuse, homelessness, membership disappointments, church leadership disappointment, clubbing, cursing and foster homes and more. In 2005 God placed in her Spirit to birth a ministry to help other women overcome themselves from low self-esteem, poverty, homelessness, wounds, abuse and more. God gave her Women of Tomorrow International Ministries in “2005” which was changed in “2007” to Women of Change International Ministries. She walks in the office of a Major Prophet that walks out with Holy boldness and stands for the Word of truth. She is called 2 women in the bible by God and others which are: The Shunamite Woman and a Proverbs 31 Woman. There have been many souls saved, delivered and sanctified with evidence of speaking in tongues, from children to adults. Apostle Mary McMiller walks in a unique fire that will cause demons to flee and her nickname by many is (Kathryn Kuhlman, Benny Hinn and AA Allen anointing) of today. Apostle M. Brinson is an Author of 5 books which one is her life story (Remembering the Times he Saved Me) and the other is towards inspiring leaders which can be preacher to a janitor (Let the Leaders Live- These Dry Bones Shall Live) & Last but not least for now. This book is for Pastor Wives or women that want a Man of God in their life (It Ain’t Easy Being “THE” Elect Lady). When Mary L. Baker-McMiller heard the voice of God to start the Women’s Organization it was amazing how God took her from 0 ministries to 11 chapters and still going until God says to stop. In “2007” she did her first newspaper entitled (Women of Tomorrow News) and started a biblical training program until God told her to turn it into a Bible College in “2009”. In “2008” she was COO/ Co- director of Highly Favored Education & Bible Institute where she served until “2009” when God released her to go further in ministry along-side her husband, Prophet-Pastor KJ McMiller. God placed his love on the inside of her that caused her to birth many spiritual sons and daughters as well as mentor many daughters in Zion. Apostle McMiller has been walking by faith in full-time ministry since 2006. God gave Mary L. Baker-McMiller the vision of making anointing oils and more called An Essynce for his Glory (over 65 anointing oils, hair care products, body washes, perfumes & colognes, lotions and lip products was created by her through the Holy Spirit. God has sent her many testimonies on God’s product (www.anessynceforhisglory.org). She is a well-known entrepreneur in areas such as starting businesses, printing, publishing, web design, stylist, wedding and event planning and much more. God has allowed her to receive many certificates for her work in the Kingdom of God. Such as; Honorary Professional Spiritual Woman of the Gospel with Honor in 2008 by Prayer Chainers Mission of God, Certificate Rosa Parks Wall of Tolerance, Certificate of Appreciation for participating in “2007” Women Ministry; Coming Out in Victory Conference, Business Advisory Chairman for being a great leader among many and also for her ideas in leadership in *2004*, member of Wakulla Chamber of Commerce and she is on the Commerce and Government Committee. She is a member of the Economic Development Council of the Wakulla Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Baker-McMiller has received recognition as a National Association of Professional Women. She received an Honorary Doctorates Degree in Humanitarian Missions in “2008”. In 2008 God used her to birth (The We Care Program) for AIDS/ HIV victims, homeless, drug addicts, prisoners, pregnant teens, alcoholics, rape victims, mothers that have had their children take, victims that don't get another chance at life, elderly care and more. God has given her a vision that will make a difference in this world. She is a humble and unique person that God has placed in many lives for change. The Heaven Sent Foundation is a business ministry. She is also the Presidents of New birth Bible College (www.newbirthbiblecollege.org). Coming soon will be the Transitional Housing Program for Women in general, women coming out of prison, homeless women and children & pregnant teens. This Program is faith based. We give all the Glory to God! There is nobody greater. She is the CEO-President of Let the Leaders Live Crusade to restore leadership in their rightful place and more. Apostle Baker-McMiller is a Mentor and Spiritual mother to many sons and daughters in the body of Christ. She walks in Spiritual authority through the Spirit of God. She is well known as a Demon buster and Giant slayer all over the world. She is well known for bringing true holiness and righteousness to the church especially leadership. Apostle Mary Baker-McMiller is well known in teaching and preaching on Spiritual Warfare classes and Conferences. God has equipped her to even design warfare attire and products. Together Apostle and her husband Tagteam the I.A.M. Ministries Organization that is meant to be unified with the body of Christ according to Exodus 4.